T +31 (0)20 767 01 80
T +31 (0)20 767 01 89
M +31 (0)6 31 67 03 92

Casper Riekerk

Managing Partner

Casper’s extensive experience in financial supervision ranges from banking, trust and insurance activities to payment services and e-money. He is expert with regard to market access issues, compliance and the conducting of supervisory authorities’ investigations. His expertise also includes criminal investigations into financial institutions. Casper is partner at Finnius.

Casper has been on the board of Finnius (managing partner) since 2024 along with Rosemarijn Labeur and Nathalie Gloudemans.

Casper regularly lectures on topics from the Dutch Financial Supervision Act, the Act on the Supervision of Trust Offices 2018) and the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of terrosrim Act.  Also, he is member of the core editorial team of the Financial Law huB. Casper studied at the University of Amsterdam and amongst others worked for over 12 years at De Nederlandsche Bank.

Prior and present work experience

  • Finnius, 2011- present
  • DNB, 1998- 2010
  • Ministry for Economic Affairs, 1995-1997
  • Advising financial institutions on their regulatory strategy;
  • Assisting and training of prospected (supervisory) board members for their screening interviews as well as board members with respect to reassessment procedures;
  • Assisting in communicating with the Authority for the Financial markets and the Dutch  Central Bank regarding escalating issues;
  • Counselling and advising financial institutions with respect to supervisory investigations;
  • Guiding financial institutions in handling enforcement action by the supervisory authorities (including litigation);
  • Assessing the applicability of financial regulation (Wft and Wtt 2018) for financial institutions and start-ups;
  • Advising and assisting with the entry to the Dutch market by financial institutions (amongst others PSD2, e-money, banks, trust offices);
  • Assisting on the application of a declaration of no-objection with respect to changes in the control structure of a financial institution;
  • Advising on integrity regulation, compliance and internal governance;
  • Drafting internal policies for financial institutions.

Casper Riekerk has registered Financial Law as his principal legal practice area in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister).

Based on this registration, Csper is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in this registered legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar

“Finnius’ ‘excellent’ practice often advises financial institutions on EU regulatory issues and enforcement matters.”

— Legal 500 EMEA 2018