Finnius celebrates 15th anniversary!

MiCAR Factsheet on marketing communications by CASPs

Licence Interchange

Consultation Good Practices Wtt 2018

Outlook 2025

Recommendations for purchasers and sellers of financial intermediaries

Finnius maintains Band 2 in Chambers FinTech

Finnius congratulates Quantoz Payments

Accessibility Directive: new accessibility rules for the financial sector

Finnius congratulates JTC Escrow and Payment Services

Three key takeaways from CRD VI and CRR III

AFM revises its Guidelines for the Wwft and Sanction

What’s in the (green) name?

Final DNB Wwft Q&As and Good Practices published

Impact of EU AML package on Action Plan on Money Laundering

Finnius climbs to Tier 1 ranking in Legal 500 Europe

Finnius maintains its Band 2 ranking in Chambers Europe!

Finnius welcomes Daniëlle van de Vijver

Provisional agreement on AMLD6 and AMLR

Finnius Outlook 2024

Finnius maintains its Band 2 ranking in Chambers FinTech 2024

Anatomy of a banking crisis – Lessons for supervision

ESMA and EBA publish the first drafts of regulatory technical standards under MiCA

EU proposals for PSD3/PSR, Financial Data Access and a digital euro

Regulatory changes for credit servicers and credit purchasers

Final versions of MiCA regulation & Wire transfer regulation 2 published

New NVB standards for risk-based money laundering investigations; also relevant for other Wwft institutions?

BNPL and SECCI Update. Compromise revised consumer credit directive (CCD)

EBA Guidelines on the use of remote customer onboarding solutions

Finnius congratulates Midaspay Europe

Finnius maintains its Tier 2 ranking in Legal 500 Europe Guide

Finnius maintains its Band 2 ranking in Chambers Europe!

The AFM’s priorities in 2023

Finnius Outlook 2023

Finnius maintains its Band 2 ranking in Chambers FinTech 2023

UBO register (temporarily) closed to the public

The controversy surrounding payment for order flow (PFOF) – where are we heading?

Reporting obligation for non-EU AIFMs as of Q1 2023

Limited room for joint transaction monitoring (Action Plan on Money Laundering)

Judgment in landmark case between bunq and the Dutch Central Bank

Registration UBO register for trusts and FGRs possible as of 1 November 2022

DNB refers to the DNO obligation for a qualifying holding in an investment firm and a manager of UCITS

DNB investigates EGIs and PSPs; three practical tips

Introduction of segregated account for financial sector

Finnius welcomes Rens Budde

EBA publishes final Guidelines on the role and responsibilities of the AML/CFT compliance officer

Final Implementation Decree UBO Register for trusts and FGR – 150-person limit for licensed FGRs – UPDATE

When does the Standard European Consumer Credit Information need to be provided?

Finnius maintains its Tier 2 ranking in Legal 500 Europe Guide

Additional sanctions against trust offices – Really required?

DNB announces investigations into compliance with sanctions regulations

Gender-neutral remuneration policies – inclusion in regulatory law

Finnius maintains its Band 2 ranking again in Chambers Europe 2022

Finnius congratulates Plaid

New sanctions against Russia – regulatory expectations

Climate-related risk management – supervision is heating up!

Finnius Outlook 2022

Finnius congratulates BlackFin Capital Partners

Finnius maintains its Band 2 ranking in Chambers FinTech 2022

At last, the Dutch implementation of IFD has been finalised!

Legislative proposal regarding UBO register for trusts and FGRs – UPDATE

Outsourcing – a relieve or a headache?

Finnius congratulates bunq

Finnius congratulates PelicanPay

Finnius congratulates Finom

Pre-marketing rules now also in force in the Netherlands

Cybersecurity in the financial sector: where are we and what’s coming?

Further interpretation of the ESG requirements: working with green in an impressionistic style or will it remain a watercolour?

Remuneration by investment firms: where do you stand?

Finnius welcomes Marieke Spee

AFM – Asset management sector should improve their management of outsourcing risks

Beating financial crime – European Commission presents comprehensive package of AML/CFT legislation

Consultation Implementation decree registration beneficial owners of trusts and similar legal arrangements – 3% threshold UBO definition

Legislative proposal regarding UBO register for trusts and FGRs – impact on funds

AFM Sectorbrief voor AIFM light beheerders

Landmark case on the validity of EU soft law: what to do when EBA adopts guidelines outside its prerogative?

Finnius maintains its Tier 2 ranking in Legal 500 Europe Guide

Finnius maintains its Band 2 ranking in Chambers Europe!

New approval requirement for bank financial holdings

Finnius congratulates Veterfina

EBA publishes final revised Guidelines on money laundering and terrorist financing risk factors

Assistance with an AIFMD license application

What’s going on in the investment fund industry in the Netherlands?

Finnius congratulates Plaid

AFM investigation into sustainability information in fund prospectuses

The Finnius Outlook 2021

ESAs asks European Commission for input on priority SFDR issues

Finnius Presents

DNB is reviewing imposed fines in light of its new fine policy

Publicatie boetetoemetingsbeleid door DNB

Finnius maintains its Band 2 raking in Chambers FinTech 2021

Consultation Financial Markets Amendment Act 2022 – finally: a segregated account for client money

AFM publishes its Trend Monitor 2021

AFM emphasizes its AML/CFT supervisory authority over third country fund managers and investment firms

Consultation review AIFM Directive

Small managers and sustainability rules

Finnius congratulates Quadrum

Dutch FinTech action plan: legislative changes on the way?

New capital and governance requirements for investment firms: Consultation Implementing Act IFD/IFR

ESMA Guidelines for liquidity stress testing enter into force

Highlights from ESMA’s feedback on the AIFMD

Dutch National Risk Assessment on Money Laundering 2019 published

Entry into force Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD5) on 21 May 2020

Maximum interest rate temporarily reduced in the short term

New remuneration rules under IFD/IFR and the impact for Dutch investment firms

Dutch Senate approves AMLD5 Implementation Act

Feedback AFM investigations into Wwft compliance – compliance must be improved and attention may not be weakened

Finnius maintains its Tier 2 ranking in Legal 500 Europe Guide

Coronavirus: regulatory measures for Dutch banks (update 20 April 2020)

DNB publishes final Good Practice on climate-related risks for banks  

European Commission announces reform plans – AML Regulation and EU AML supervisor in the making?

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Measures Finnius

Finnius ranked Band 2 in Chambers Europe!

Research on reducing maximum interest rate

Bart Bierman receives Lexology’s Client Choice Awards 2020: Banking

Outlook 2020

Finnius maintains its position in Chambers FinTech 2020

Anti-money laundering

Consultation Action Plan on Money Laundering

Climate risks requirements for banks: protecting the earth or the financial system?

DNB consults the market on its Good Practices on the integration of climate-related risks into banks’ risk management

MiFID II assistance

Finnius contributes to International Comparitive Legal Guides

Remuneration: consultation legislative proposal for further remuneration rules for the financial sector

Implementation Act AMLD5

Remuneration rules for change in debit interest rate (mortgage credit)

Advice on sustainable finance EIOPA to European Commission

Advice on sustainable finance ESMA to European Commission

EuVECA and EuSEF: delegated regulations on conflicts of interest

Finnius rises in the Legal 500 EMEA 2019 guide.

More external involvement in the fit and proper assessments by DNB and the AFM, but the wishes of Parliament are ignored

Legislative letters AFM and DNB published

Legislative proposal regarding UBO-register submitted

Finnius contributes to ‘Global Legal Insights to: Banking Regulation 2019’

Undertake impact analysis in connection with changes to National Regime on 1 April 2019

Finnius recommended again in Chambers Europe!

Entry into force PSD2

Brexit – Dutch temporary exemption regarding UK investment firms

Finnius Outlook 2019

AFM Agenda 2019

Brexit – notification temporary permissions regime

Consultation on Implementation Act AMLD5

Finnius newsletter: Insurers Recovery and Resolution Act

Finnius recommended in Chambers FinTech 2019

Five years AIFMD

Trust offices: new exempt regulation

Finnius welcomes Guido Roth

Entry into force IDD

Minister of Finance calls for further client centricity in case of consumer credit

New prudential framework for investment firms

Finnius welcomes Eleonore Sijmons

Entry into force Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive

Evaluation of the Act on the Remuneration Policy of Financial Undertakings

Public consultation remuneration measures financial sector

Follow-up by AFM and DNB on a motion of Aukje de Vries regarding a more independent set up of the objection proceedings for suitability assessments

The AFM has serous doubts about the ability of investment fund managers in cryptos to meet the licence requirements

The first step towards regulating (the trade in) cryptos?

Upcoming changes to the Fourth Anti Money Laundering Directive – UPDATE

Finnius recommended in Legal 500 again

Finnius writes for Global Legal Insights

InnovationHub: Publications of the AFM regarding SAAM and robo advice

Warnings as supervision-relevant antecedents

Supervision of Trust Offices Act 2018

Finnius recommended again in Chambers Europe 2018

AFM supervision priorities 2018

NVB Code of Conduct Small Business Financing

Finnius Outlook 2018

Implementation PSD2 postponed

Amendment of EuVECA and EuSEF

Legislative proposal implementing the Insurance Distribution Directive to the House of Representatives

Increase exemption limit prospectus requirement

Legislative proposal transparent supervision financial markets pending in the House of Representatives

AIFMD License for Sentinel Real Estate Netherlands

License requirement for trading platforms providing payment services

Consultation draft regulation increase exemption limit prospectus requirement

Finnius writes for Global Legal Insights

Finnius also recommended in Legal 500 2017

Finnius recommended in Chambers Europe 2017

Finnius welcomes Annabel Loeters

AFM Supervision Priorities 2017

Rosemarijn Labeur recommended in Chambers

Finnius Outlook 2017

Finnius recommended in Who’s Who Legal Banking: Regulatory 2017!

Inventarisatie: uitbreiding consumentenbepalingen Wft naar MKB-ers

Evaluation: expansion of consumer protection provisions in the Dutch Financial Supervision Act to SMEs

Implementation PRIIPs: far reaching powers for the Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) with regards to (re)insurance companies

Publication and entry into force implementation Act market abuse regulation and market abuse directive

Consultation legislative proposal investment bonds

Important changes in financial regulatory law!

Entry into force of implementation Act and Decree Mortgage Credit Directive

Entry into force of MAD/MAR

Finnius Update Governance: ECB Expectations

Finnius Update Governance: ECB Expectations

InnovationHub AFM and DNB

Publications regarding the Market Abuse Directive and the Market Abuse Regulation

AFM sound remunerations fines imposed on insurance companies annulled by court

Start consultation on amendments to the Trust offices act

Higher fines for violating rules financial markets

Finnius update: Developments investment funds

The Financial Markets Amendment Act 2016 enters into force today

Intent to raise the exemption from the obligation to publish a prospectus for SMEs

Rules for online financial service providers relating to alternative dispute resolutions for consumers

Extension application date MiFID II

AFM adjusts crowdfunding investors assessment

Report Dutch Central Bank on FinTech

Finnius Outlook 2016

Finnius advises Euronext in appeal proceedings

Launch new online mortgage platform bijBouwe

Publication Prospectus Regulation

Finnius welcomes Tim de Wit

Bart Bierman publishes opinion article on European Banking Union

Launch of new bank in the Netherlands: bunq

Finnius welcomes Bart Bierman

Legislative proposal Implementation Act Transparancy Directive

Legislative letters Dutch Central Bank and Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets 2015

Consultation on implementation Act Market Abuse Regulation and Directive

Publication proposal for the Financial Markets Amendment Act 2016

Consultation on implementation Act Mortgage Credit Directive

Response Finnius to consultation Prospectus Directive

Consultation Dutch Financial Markets Amendment Decree 2016 and proposed adjustment to current regulations on crowdfunding

Second-tier managers subject to screening and expansion bankers’ oath

Legislative proposal for Dutch Act on the supervision of credit unions

Act on the Remuneration Policy of Financial Undertakings entered into force

Second edition of Jonneke van Poelgeest’s “Kredietverstrekking aan Consumenten” published

AFM advocates for  supervision of issuers of investment bonds (beleggersobligaties)

Launch consultation on the Prospectus Directive

Finnius Outlook 2015

Answers  from the Dutch Finance Minister to parliamentary questions on the Act on the Remuneration Policy of Financial Undertakings

Publication Final Parliamentary Report on the Act on the Remuneration Policy of Financial Undertakings

Publication of the PRIIPs Regulation in the Official Journal

Developments in Crowdfunding

Start European Banking Supervision

Publication of the Payments Accounts Directive

Interpretation AFM of pre-subscription to securities

Publication EU legislation

Publication Mortgage Credit Directive

Publication Mortgage Credit Directive

Consultation Remuneration Policy Financial Institutions Act

Consultation Remuneration Policy Financial Institutions Act

Consultation crowdfunding European Commission

New professional standards as from 1 January 2014